Thursday, May 15, 2008

while i'm talking to you

Wicket, why do i get the feeling you're not listening to me while I'm talking to you?


ThePoliticalCat said...

If that's Wicket's expression, I'd say you've got it in one.

tabbimama said...

Oh, he's listening! And he's completely appalled by whatever you just said to him!! :-)

ThePoliticalCat said...

You think, Tabbimama? Because when my boys get that look, it usually means, "You're making annoying noises. Where's my food/toy/catnip/pillow?"

tabbimama said...

Or perhaps, "Why are looking at me through that one-eyed flashy thing again?!"

Christy said...

personally, and i'm just guessing here, i think he hears kai and/or meera chomping on something delishus, something high out of reach of the wobbly kitty on a diet.