Thursday, March 20, 2008

dim quiet

sorely in need of kitteh love. sorely in need of a bed and the dim quiet of my bedroom. going home now, k thx bai.


ThePoliticalCat said...

Oh, noez! You're not sicky too? Or just beaten down by the world?

No matter. Kittehz will fix everything. Big kitteh hugs from all les felinquents at La Casa.

Lizzy said...

Amen, Christy - I'm right behind you, well, maybe a few hours behind, but it's the thought that counts...

Christy said...

oh no, politicalcat, i'm not sick. i've been strangely, blessedly healthy (sans colds/flus, anyway) for many, many months. but thursday eve, yes, i felt beaten down and discouraged. much in my life is in flux, plus fam to worry about, plus my far-from-peaceful nation and so-close-to-being-gone-Gone-GONE chimpy-prez. this weekend was a lovely antidote tho, and i'z better.