Monday, January 29, 2007

A dark hour

Tuna lured them into their carriers in the first place. Tuna wasn't gonna work the second time around.

As my first act during "capture hour" at my mom's house last night, I opened a can of the good stuff and immediately Bella headed for the hills. My second act involved calling for backup and waiting for my mom to appear with a broom.

Bella had done some excellent reconnaissance work while I'd been gone, and found all the darkest tricksiest hiding places at my mom's house. The dark forest of chair legs beneath the table in the basement. The nasty, moist, cobwebby space between the wall and the washer/dryer. Underneath the living room couch.

Forty minutes later, with Kai curled quietly in the corner of his carrier, and Bella only the gods knew where, I collapsed on the couch and felt like crying. My mom was crying--with laughter. In between gasps for breath she tried to give me encouragement. I vowed to have my catsitter come to me next time, instead of taking the cats to her...

I was fresh from the airport, which meant I felt anything but fresh. I was dehydrated, headachy, jetlagged, recovering from elevation sickness, and hungry. Why oh why wouldn't she cooperate?? Please, Bella, COOPERATE!

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