Sunday, April 09, 2006

A cat possessed

Meera scared the h-e-double-toothpick out of me today. She's fascinated by my laptop's screensaver, which is a moving phrase of my own design. It gets bigger; it gets smaller; it flips itself, swings itself, rolls itself up and over the hill. She plants her tiny feet next to the laptop, and then twists her head around in all sorts of unnatural directions trying to follow the words. She looks like a cat gone beserk, with those great, yellow, intense owl eyes, and a head flipped upside down, body still upright. Be ye bone, o spinal column, or be ye gelatin? I had to walk over and close the laptop; wanted to sleep well tonight, after all.


Lizzy said...

Next time this happens, take a picture, please!

Hokule'a Kealoha said...

Sounds like the Exorcist!