Thursday, March 02, 2006

The gastronomical life of B

Brat was scarily listless all day on Tuesday. He stayed hunched up in the dark bathroom, and didn't respond to my voice. I moved him to my bed and lay with him for awhile. He didn't even squinch his eyes or start purring when I scratched his ears, and he's a sucker for that. He just tolerated my petting. In the evening I came back from running errands, and he hadn't moved from the bed. I was very worried. He's getting old, but I can't face the thought of him leaving yet, my sweet gentle friend.

Luckily, yesterday and today he perked up. He's back to following me around, and crawling into my lap, and meeting me at the front door, and eating & drinking. Relief!

But. He has completely stopped eating the tuna flavor of Fancy Feast. It used to be his favorite; now it sits in its bowl til it congeals. I think the trouble began when I used one of the kittens' cans of fish & shrimp FF to feed Brat one night. Now that he's tasted fois gras, why should he go back to meatloaf?

Luckily I have a whole tray of fish & shrimp in my car...tonight I'll set to work tempting his palate.

1 comment:

Lizzy said...

Flaked Fish and Shrimp - our fave!
Good taste, guys, from 922 Cats (and Kittens)