Monday, October 29, 2007

I can't stand the cuteness!

I lay curled on my side in the darkness last night, drifting off to sleep. Then I heard the four-part thump-thump of Wicket landing on the bed. A moment later I felt his soft breath on my cheek, so I reached a hand out of my nest of blankets, and scratched his head. Then he made a circuit around my entire body, leaning heavily against me the whole way, as close to a full-body hug as a cat can get, I guess. He rounded my feet and came back towards my head. I waited, waited, knowing what was to come. Sure enough, I felt his breath again on the back of my neck, I don't call him Snuffler for nothing, and then--there it was--the munch-munch of him noshing on my hair. I had to laugh out loud.

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