Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Never before seen

There she lay, entirely at ease and oblivious to everything in the room. Such an unnatural state for Meera that I doubted myself. Was this truly Meera? A second glance at her generous girth left no room for doubt. It must be she, yet I had never seen her so...relaxed.

She lay as though there weren't two black-eyed boys in the next room, sparking with electricity and ferociously on the prowl. She lay as though her human weren't two feet away, dying to put her ear to that exposed belly and listen to her heartbeat.

I've glimpsed flashes of white as she leapt from floor to chair, or as she tussled with her brother, so I knew she carried tiny cloudlets in the luxuriance of her underbelly. But who would have predicted the shapes of those clouds? Can it be that we've shared space for a year and a half, and I never knew about the heart she hides?

Take a look...


Lizzy said...

OMG, What a pretty tummy!

Lizzy said...

Mellow Meera? Cyrrie was a skittish little guy for a long time, but now he waves to get my attention, and sits on my lap - purring outloud! - even when there's no food involved...

Sandy-LA 90034 said...

I love their sweet furry underbellies. Sometimes they let you pet them, too. Not often - for many cats that's a sensitive private area that they protect with claws and teeth.

Hokule'a Kealoha said...

My Kitties live for belly rubs... what a lovely heart shaped mark on that gorgeous tummy